It seems that The Plan will work, as long as I keep the appointment and am on my mat at the agreed upon time. Yesterday, I recited the chant, stood in tadasana for a bit to see how I felt and decided I would do three suryanamaskaras. So I did. Then I thought, I’ll do some backbends and I did urdhva dhanurasana three times, followed by paschimottanasana. Then the four finishing poses. It was okay. I didn’t get the resistance because I didn’t force.

I love yogaguide’s advice to “remember:  stirham sukham asanam – steady & sweet!”

Steady and sweet. Great advice for every practice–meditation, mindfulness . . . life.

Today I practice with friends. Thank God for yoga buddies. Where would I be without them? (The answer is not “in urdhva dhanurasana,” or any other pose; the answer is likely “In front of the computer” or “With a book in your face.”) Now I think I’ll have a bit of chocolate before going to practice.